I’ve been writing another book, The No Bullshit Guide to STAYING Sober. I’m writing it because my readers asked me to. They very politely asked me if I would write a book on how to stay sober. They had read The No Bullshit Guide to GETTING Sober and wanted a follow up book on how to stay sober.

I wasn’t going to tell you until it was ready for launch in Dry July but a wee voice in the back of my head said, hold on, rethink that, Maree. Your readers deserve to know first, don’t they? Before the media?

Well, of course they do, they are why I wrote the bloody book in the first place.

So, you heard it here first, and that’s not all.

It gets better.

I signed a contract at the beginning of this year with the folk at David Bateman Books to sell and distribute both books nationwide.

Unlike other publishers we’d talked to earlier, David Bateman was not after a percentage of the sales of my audio and e books and my website sales just a percentage of what they sold in paperback through to their stores.

David Bateman have given me a publicist to launch both books again to the readers that need the message, come Dry July. Her name is Lise Clayton and she is experienced in book publicity and PR and no-nonsense.

It gets even better.

The book has been picked up by Spotify Premium and you can listen to it there minute by minute as you have time, and it is being listened to world-wide.

It’s also been co-jointly listed to Amazon and Audible.

I wanted you to be the first to know but I also wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for buying my first book and supporting me and my message.

Mauri Ora!